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Diesel ban 2030

To my mind Electric vehicles are a short term fix, battery manufacture and disposal are hardly Green, Germany are pushing Hydrogen as the next step.
We will have very clean Diesel fuel by then so just keep on having fun.
I'll let you know when I celebrate the 20th birthday of my California.
Why do people worry so much about what MIGHT happen 10 years time. We don’t know what’s going to happen next week let alone in 10 years..What’s going to happen to all the heavy goods vehicles on the road? Are they all going to be converted to petrol or battery power? NO that’s not what’s going to happen.It will probably 30 or 40 years if ever that they are phased out. Yes the world is heading to other less polluting fuels, I know I won’t see that in my lifetime....But for my Grandchildren is has to be done..
I’ve done a bit for the environment by selling a SL55 AMG 5.5 litre gas guzzler and moving to a Cali Ocean :)
And I offset my Cali emissions by planting lots of green stuff on my 3 allotments :)
I spend most of my time in the mountains between 2000 and 3000 meters, in the summer with boots, in the winter with skis. When I turned 60, I really wanted an electric van, and waited two years hoping something appropriate would come on the market. Change is inevitable and necessary, but I finally decided that I needed a van now, while I'm still kicking, so took the plunge. 50,000km and almost 3 glorious and unforgettable years later, which have taken me from Cape Wrath by bike in Scotland to weeks hiking in the Dinaric Alps of Albania, there's no doubt that I made the right decision. 10 years is a blink of an eye from my perspective, but I decided that I wanted the freedom now, and bought assuming that by the time I stop climbing my van will be worthless. Each person has to figure out their own version of carpe diem.
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I’ll be buying my second Cali in 2029 then

We said similar.
Probably won’t change the van now, until 2029.
Get one of the last diesels to keep us going until the end...
When push comes to shove just rip out the dirty diesel and convert EV. Its already being done and by the time we get to the cliff edge there will be many more/better options out there.

Just ordered my Coast and NOT worried.

Forgot the link

This link
10 years to no longer have new diesels available, goodness knows how long after for existing diesels, probably another 10 at least ...

If only ten years though ..

Ten years ..... for me 800 nights..... 800 nights of almost complete spontaneity, 800 nights of adventure, 800 nights of keeping my brain alive, 800 nights of feeding the memory bank with snapshots and vignettes of the most amazing quality and variety ....

Ten years of something stood outside just waiting to go, whether it's a mobile hotel room or a truck to take rubbish to the tip,

I have no idea where I will be in ten years, or in what condition. I will know however that outside is a magic machine that will always be there when condition or circumstance allow.
We will have very clean Diesel fuel by then so just keep on having fun.

Wishful thinking. Yes you could conceivably produce a petroleum-based fuel and engines to run it in that have reduced local pollutant emissions - NOx and particulates. But the issue remains carbon dioxide, which is the inevitable product of combusting any hydrocarbon (the clue's in the name).
In 10 years if a government had the stomach for it they could tax petrol and diesel vehicles off the road.

Not worth worrying about, what will be will be.
In 10 years if a government had the stomach for it they could tax petrol and diesel vehicles off the road.

Not worth worrying about, what will be will be.
Remains to seen where the current tax revenue from carbon fuels will be sourced to fill the Treasury coffers.
In 10 years if a government had the stomach for it they could tax petrol and diesel vehicles off the road.

Not worth worrying about, what will be will be.

No real sustainable alternative at the moment, so wouldn’t worry; Sourcing & supply of raw materials for batteries create a lot of issues which don’t look good in a company brochure:

In all honesty it doesn’t matter a damn what one or even ten governments say. Car / Vehicle manufacturing is Global in nature.
Individual Governments rarely last 5+ years, unlike Global Manufacturing companies.
If Vehicle Manufacturers can replace ICE vehicles with E equivalents whilst maintaining their profitability then they will. If they can’t, then they won’t. If Governments insist and the prices are too high or the population disagrees then the Government will be voted out in favour of an alternative that represents the people’s choice/requirements.
At the moment the “People” are quit happy for the Governments, All or Any Governments, to make such proclamations as there is a choice to suit all pockets. However as that choice becomes limited, unless there are significant developments in E vehicles and support structure and therefore costs and affordability by the masses, then Governments will be changed.
The Vehicle Manufacturers are not going to price themselves out of their Market, but Governments can vote themselves out of Office if they don’t represent the masses.
Looking at your avatar, you've carried out some serious mods over those twenty one years!
Ha! Ha! Yes and it has similar space as a California, joking aside this is a pickup version of the ubiquitous 3-wheel taxi found throughout India and Bangladesh, the Bangla version runs exclusively on CNG (compressed natural gas) as does 50% of all vehicles, during my time living in Dhaka racked up quite a mileage in these and having a few close shaves safer than the decrepit taxis. 1605439877148.jpeg
I thought it was new cars post 2030, not the running in to the ground of old stock. Might make the value of a second hand fossil fule carpremium?
It is. New diesel commercial vehicles are certain to be built beyond that - with demand for fuel.
A mooted NEW diesel/petrol ban from 2030 should leave enough residual in my 2021 Ocean for a decent deposit on a new (electric? Hydrogen?) camper then.
To my mind Electric vehicles are a short term fix, battery manufacture and disposal are hardly Green, Germany are pushing Hydrogen as the next step.
We will have very clean Diesel fuel by then so just keep on having fun.
I agree. It concerns me that Governments seem to be putting all their future hopes on EVs. They may see EVs as an easy fix but my limited knowledge of battery power tells me that batteries come with their own set of environmental issues, which are yet to be fully resolved. Having an adequate future power supply and current lack of a common widespread charging network provide yet more challenges for the coming decades. How green will providing all that be?

By banning ICE and Hybrid vehicles I'm certain that they are sending a message to manufacturers to cease all further R and D on ICE vehicles and possibly Hybrids as well. This is a shame as I'm sure that there is still considerable scope for making the ICE considerably cleaner. If that's possible then Hybrid development will benefit as well. We currently have the full infrastructure in place to support ICE and Hybrids. Further research and development could be one answer to the environmental issues. Imposing an outright ban on ICE and Hybrids is effectively putting all our future developmental eggs in one basket. What if it isn't the answer?
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Ha! Ha! Yes and it has similar space as a California, joking aside this is a pickup version of the ubiquitous 3-wheel taxi found throughout India and Bangladesh, the Bangla version runs exclusively on CNG (compressed natural gas) as does 50% of all vehicles, during my time living in Dhaka racked up quite a mileage in these and having a few close shaves safer than the decrepit taxis. View attachment 69390
Very interesting vehicles but they don't seem that stable to me.

If you are interested, there is a great YouTube series entitled "Kinging It". In one episode the two young bloggers buy one and travel down India in it. Later on in the series they have it imported to Britain and drive it back to Wales from the docks. Unfortunately, they flip it over on the approach to a tight bend causing much damage to both vehicle and their pride. Fortunately, Craig and Amy had no serious injuries.

I started watching their blogs which are mainly about their buying an old Mercedes Bus, converting it to a very comfortable MH and then going on their travels around Europe and the UK. They are both very watchable. I recommend watching them.
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In all honesty it doesn’t matter a damn what one or even ten governments say. Car / Vehicle manufacturing is Global in nature.
Individual Governments rarely last 5+ years, unlike Global Manufacturing companies.
If Vehicle Manufacturers can replace ICE vehicles with E equivalents whilst maintaining their profitability then they will. If they can’t, then they won’t. If Governments insist and the prices are too high or the population disagrees then the Government will be voted out in favour of an alternative that represents the people’s choice/requirements.
At the moment the “People” are quit happy for the Governments, All or Any Governments, to make such proclamations as there is a choice to suit all pockets. However as that choice becomes limited, unless there are significant developments in E vehicles and support structure and therefore costs and affordability by the masses, then Governments will be changed.
The Vehicle Manufacturers are not going to price themselves out of their Market, but Governments can vote themselves out of Office if they don’t represent the masses.
Actually that hasn't been true for decades. As the history of safety and pollution equipment shows, the manufacturers won't move until forced to by government regulation. The fact that the manufacturers dropped the ball on safety equipment forced the intervention of government regulation, and the unfortunate result is that we will have the vehicles that government regulations stipulate. All of the manufacturers' cries that no one would pay for seat belts turned out to be wrong, people did not stop buying cars because they had to pay for seat belts or anti-pollution equipment : Ad Blue, DPF, EGR ARRRGH! Manufacturers lost control of vehicle design because of their own inability to adapt to modern needs, and the result is that new technology will be steered by government regulation. Norway is currently a prime example of the result. The only way out of this box is for a manufacturer, on its own initiatiative, to come up with a new, game changing technology that addresses environmental issues. I'm not holding my breath, so for the time being it looks like the future is electric.
I don't think Volvo needed any government regulation to
abide by when they started fitting seat belts.

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