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How to make yourself look like the massive Jerk off you call others.So, that's OK??
Get over yourself.
millions of speeding tickets are doled out across the world daily, very Few people aim to get a speeding ticket. No one has condoned speeding, the thread is regarding French speed limits, which are variable depending on weather conditions and are not what we in the U.K. are used to, particularly sudden changes in speed limit with little to no notice. It’s a cultrual thing the French have grown up with.
The French have some perculiar rules such a priority joining main roads from side roads, which older people have grown up doing , young people have not!
The high and mighty approach is not constructive in any way , calling members of the forum Jerks !
Who set you up as the moral police for speeding discussions. Your persistence just makes you look like a Troll…..
It about sums up your style or lack of it.
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