But the return to something like normality regarding the availability of cheap foreign sunny holidays, coupled with the high diesel prices, can only serve to reduce the demand and therefore prices of camper vans generally. The Cali, whilst still the benchmark by which all others are judged, will not be exempt from this supply-and-demand fuelled price readjustment.
I for one, have decided to wait and see just how much the prices drop before I purchase, especially at the end of the British summer season... I'm quite sure, I'm not alone.
When I first bought a Cali it was the roof rot scandal. Sit back, light blue touch paper, watch the prices fall.
Then the Marco Polo was going to create great competition. VW will just have to reduce prices.No. They put them up and the MP was the damp squib of the decade.
Brexit. Going to be so difficult to tour the continent in a vehicle. Who wants a camper? just stay in a hotel. Camper prices bound to fall.
No diesel after 2030? Goodness, prices of diesel powered vehicles like California's are bound to tumble, except sales went up and delivery times lengthened.
Then no one saw Coronavirus coming and that word Staycation. Prices got to silly levels, so perhaps the question is when will prices correct down from silly levels rather than will there be a crash. The only crash I've ever seen with a Cali was when I hit a pile of rocks avoiding a sheep bent on self-destruction.
The only downside waiting for a correction is also having to wait for the next "never saw it coming" event which could have the opposite of the predicted event.
I'm probably in a different situation to you. When I bought my Cali I was aged 66 so time was running out for me and I had just spent 5 years staring down the grim reaper so I was waiting for no one.
My own views are prices will stabilise now travel opportunities are returning to whatever were post Brexit norms, the silly price rises we've seen over the last 18 months are over, quite a few people will be trading in their Cali having bought and decided "not for me", but a crash? No. It will be gently shaped curve rather than a steep sided one.
However don't bank on my crystal ball, I've never even won at bingo