Was a last minute decision to join. 7 hrs travelling and sleet / snow until I hit the border. Then glorious sunshine and the A595 taking my past all my sponsored student summer haunts, including the latest view of the 'piles' at Windscale. Many memories of cycling from St Bees to Wasdale at the weekends as I drove part of the same route on my way to Eskdale.
Help from T4WFA getting the 'kit' assembled and introducrions to people. Great walk with Dottie on Saturday, followed by the pub meal. Sunday many packed up to leave whilst Dottie, T4WFA and 'us' went for a good walk in uneexpectedly good weather followed by yet another good pub meal and excellent company.
Might just need to stay another night - dictated by the low stocks on dog food more than anything else.
Great location, great company, thanks T4WFA!