Hi Borris. First of all Happy Easter. I hope that you and all around are keeping well.
I know that you and I are never going to agree on this and nothing that I say is going to change your mind and vice versa!.... and that's ok. You are just as entitled to your opinion as I am to mine.
I would however like to take issue with a few of the points that you so eloquently made.
She didn't apply for the job.
No, unlike the rest of us she got her job handed to her on a plate!
she was expected to just get on with it without question.
She didn't have to take the job did she? Her uncle gave it up and one of her grandchildren has given it up.
non stop service to our nation
She has been waited on hand and foot throughout her entire life.
remained politically neutral despite her own personal opinions.
Oh, I will concede that she's clever (or well advised), but politically neutral. I don't think so. See Indyref and Brexit for examples.
In all that time she hasn't put a foot wrong.
Hmm, I think she may have gone a wee bit off track in her Annus Horribilis?
However, we can agree on praising those in our society who are providing the services that are keeping the country going. Too many to mention but special merit to those who don't get the credit they deserve. The hospital cleaners and porters, and the bin men and women, and the supermarket staff, the posties, the delivery drivers and the ordinary members of the public who keep an eye out for their elderly and infirm neighbours. True heroes all, and they manage to do it without the help of their footmen and butlers and cooks and ladies in waiting!