If anybody is thinking of asking for an insurance rebate/reduction due to Reduced mileage in these Covid times, here’s what my insurers said when I asked:-
I hope you and your family are keeping well and safe.
I refer to your email below and whilst we appreciate, along with the majority of motorists, that motorhome owners are driving significantly less during this period, we use the 25,000 miles per annum to indicate unlimited mileage. If you were to reduce to 10,000 miles per annum, that still qualifies for unlimited mileage so would not make any difference to the premium you paid.
With regard to your comment on car insurance, car premiums are significantly higher than motorhome premiums with the average premium for a car being double that of a motorhome. Motorhomes are typically worth a lot more in value than a normal family car but, again, the premiums are half that of car insurance and reflect this in the price due to risk and type of vehicle.
This Policy also provides cover on your motor home, while off the road, for damage, fire or theft. There are also other factors i.e. at the beginning of 2020, the UK experienced the worse weather conditions for the first three months of the year which greatly impacted insurance reserves. In addition to that we have now had Brexit which has resulted in the cost of parts and repairs being pushed up so making it even more expensive. It is a combination of factors that have affected the renewal premiums that are being offered but, unfortunately at this moment in time, we can only speak on behalf of the motorhome scheme that we offer with Aviva and that the rates and terms that were offered to you were correct for the coming year based on the Policy being over a 12 month period.
Our Policies are already very competitive and are priced with consideration to the seasonality of the motorhome ownerships. We are aware that many owners place their vehicles off the road for the Winter months and feel that the premiums reflect this with the ability to reduce the mileage. Our paramount concern is to our customers to ensure they always have the best possible cover and not leave them exposed to situations where a possible claim could result in no cover. In circumstances such as malicious and accidental damage, just because the vehicle is off the road doesn’t mean it isn’t prone to losses.
The rates that are charged are set by the Insurers and currently it is our understanding that the specialist motorhome/campervan Insurers, and the insurance market in general are not providing rebates. We are in regular contact with the Watchdogs such as the FCA, the ABI and also the Insurers themselves, and we will always keep our customers up to date with any changes that could affect our Policyholders during this challenging period for us all. Insurers and the Industry as a whole have introduced various measures which include:
• Assistance for those experiencing severe financial hardship due to Covid-19
• Extended home and motor insurance cover to support the changes customers are needing to make such as working from home or alternative commuting arrangements.
In addition to these initiatives, all our Insurers are continuing to monitor the performance of all Personal and Commercial Line products which have been impacted by Covid-19. This is in line with the requirements included within the FCA guidance issued in June 2020 around Product Value and Coronavirus guidance, and EIOPA statement in July 2020 – expectations on product oversight and governance requirements. This includes a longer-term view of the impacts of Covid-19 and whether the Insurers are still able to provide the cover and the service to customers in determining whether there is a customer need for the product.
With kind regards