New Forum Launch - We need your feedback please ...

I didn’t realise it would upset you so much I’m beginning to wish he hadn’t bothered I have a T5 so not the case there not welcome it was just what the web designer designed and we liked it. I’m beginning to think whatever we do won’t be right
I don’t think I’m the only one. I like the new site, definitely faster. The flag, which followed the Members as they travelled country to country was nice but I could live without it, but dropping the T5 from the Banner I find disconcerting especially as the California Grande isn’t on the road and cannot even be ordered in the U.K. as yet. The T4 is approaching Classic Vehicle status and the T5/5.1, with thousands on the road is dropped in favour of the T6. That sends a message.
I’ll leave it there.
I’m sure the Web Designer is right.
I gonna have to change my van as I have the old logo !
Using an iPad the ‘three bar’ menu on the Cali’s for sale page is not working. It seem to work on all the other pages.
Looks good (bit mind you, I'm a newish member so didn't really form an attachment to the old format)

Got to figure it out now as I'd only just started getting to grips with the previous layout
Tried to post on the “spotted” but said I had incificient verifications and wouldn’t let me apologise to the lovely Blue Cali in Trent/Dorset who looked bemused as a nutter on a bike waved... forgot I wasn’t in ours love from unverified x ps am a VIP member!
Tried to post on the “spotted” but said I had incificient verifications and wouldn’t let me apologise to the lovely Blue Cali in Trent/Dorset who looked bemused as a nutter on a bike waved... forgot I wasn’t in ours love from unverified x ps am a VIP member!
try now please
For those of you that don't like the Red links , if you scroll to the bottom of the page in the grey block at the bottom if you click on "Cali Theme 2019". Then select the "blue links" option. You will then be able to view the site with blue links instead.
Thank you for providing an alternative colour option. Thanks also for all the effort that goes into the site and encouraging feedback. I think the comments just show how invested we all are in it, so don't lose heart!
I like the new site layout but not keen on the new logo. I liked the 3/4 view. Would like to have seen that on the new logo but then that wouldn’t be a new logo.
I don’t think I’m the only one. I like the new site, definitely faster. The flag, which followed the Members as they travelled country to country was nice but I could live without it, but dropping the T5 from the Banner I find disconcerting especially as the California Grande isn’t on the road and cannot even be ordered in the U.K. as yet. The T4 is approaching Classic Vehicle status and the T5/5.1, with thousands on the road is dropped in favour of the T6. That sends a message.
I’ll leave it there.
I’m sure the Web Designer is right.
No, you are not the only one. I think it should've been the evolution of vehicles
from the T4 to the T6.
The Grand may have a place but as there will be so few sold and also it is really a
different beast to what the T´s are all about, i therefore conclude that you are correct
in bringing this up. :(
:IamsorryAs the T5/T5.1 was on sale for 10 yrs or so, as was the T4, I think it is a little disingenuous to have the T6 or California Grande as a replacement and airbrush the T5/T5.1 out of existence. It gives the distinct impression that they are not wanted.
After all there is a dedicated Section for VW California T6 Discussion, VW Grand California Discussion and a dedicated Section to the T4.
Nowhere is there a section dedicated to the T5, it's just lumped in with the T6 occasionally.
Looking at the Forum list the T5 is definitely an afterthought despite being one of the most common models on the Forum.
Maybe I'll just have to restrict any answers or advice to owners who have T5's in future, and let the others look after themselves.
The T5/.1 is wrapped around the actual name of the forum. What more do you want??
The T5/.1 is wrapped around the actual name of the forum. What more do you want??
I’m afraid if you don’t understand then there is no point in explaining.:headbang

The Web Designer has spoken and that’s it.
I’m afraid if you don’t understand then there is no point in explaining.:headbang

The Web Designer has spoken and that’s it.
‘It gives the distinct impression that they are not wanted’....
really? Come on.
‘It gives the distinct impression that they are not wanted’....
really? Come on.
Looking at the Banner, a distinct possibility, and if the Banner is not important, why have it.

Screenshot 2019-04-07 at 00.53.15.jpg
I much prefer the older header picture, but then maybe I'm biased as it was a picture of our Cali, SusiBus.
The photo was taken on a very special day for us. It was the day we learnt how important it is to have the emergency roof tie-down kit with you, because when we went to lower the roof, the control panel failed, and we were in a very remote part of Scotland northwest Highlands at the time. Oh the joys of Cali life!
Yes, I know I can click that to mark forums as read but I requested an automatic version of that feature. Please re-read my post.

It isnt viable to automate marking as read on site leaving as although 1 person may want it, hundreds probably wouldnt, you would then have to define what "leaving" actually means and how it would need to be calculated, i.e change of tab on browser you are essentially leaving, accidental closing of window, closing of window in general, physically logging out, browser time logout, cookie time out log out, clearing of cookies log out.

There are too many accidental instances that an automation could mark everyones posts as read, so for the sake of 1 click , essentially the same as someone clicking log out. This is one "feature" that won't be coming I'm afraid.
We have updated the forum header but please do not ask us to change the order of the van's this is not doable. Enjoy

Awesome! Just great! Sorry I have to write that down in my language: Es ist unglaublich wie viel Energie, Geld, Zeit das Team in dieses Forum steckt! Es gibt wenige Foren, bei denen so auf „Kundenwünsche“ reagiert wird! Ich glaube diese „Banner Diskussion“ (ich verstehe Welshgas Botschaft wie auch andere Meinungen) hat dies wieder einmal tatkräftig bewiesen! Vielen vielen Dank! Schön mitdabei zu sein! Schön ein Teil davon zu sein!
We have updated the forum header but please do not ask us to change the order of the van's this is not doable. Enjoy
Looks like the T5 image is reversed but I don’t think anyone will notice, and I won’t say anything.

Oops! ;)
We have updated the forum header but please do not ask us to change the order of the van's this is not doable. Enjoy
Thank you.:thumb
Does it make any difference that the T6 looks like it's the leader of the pack. I personally like the new layout otherwise things get stale thanks to everyone involved :thumb

VW California Club
