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Outdoor burners


Gone, but not forgotten!
VIP Member
T6 Ocean 150 4Motion
Think we might get an extra cooker for outside; two rings and possibly a grille, plus 907 compatible. Amazon have good prices on the CampingGaz ones; any other recommendations? Cheers!
Lots of people tend to use the cheapo (<£15) single burner units that run from the aerosol can sized gas. These are fairly easy to clean, disposable when you can't be arsed to clean it and the gas fairly cheap all combined with being small and convenient.

I had one of those Camping Gaz two burners + grille units and they aren't great to be honest.
Stu said:
Lots of people tend to use the cheapo (<£15) single burner units that run from the aerosol can sized gas. These are fairly easy to clean, disposable when you can't be arsed to clean it and the gas fairly cheap all combined with being small and convenient.

I had one of those Camping Gaz two burners + grille units and they aren't great to be honest.

We do have a camping style single burner (the sort you'd take backpacking) but we tend to use two rings for most of our cooking.

It also needs to last us a month - not necessarily the gas itself but it'll be heavily used when we head for Spain and France for all of June!
I see your point but if you want to use 907 then you either need another cylinder to take with you or you'll be pulling your van apart every time you want to cook something to get your 907 out.

The aerosols are small to carry and you can find them easily in the EU. If you need two burners buy two singles?? It's not going to be any bigger than the Camping Gaz unit and being two smaller parts may be easier to pack.

I mean this style (currently £10 in Go Outdoors) -

I agree with Stu about getting two burners and the gas itself is no more expensive then a 907 refill. The CP250 canisters I found easily in other parts of Europe, but actually never in France! Was it just me or was I looking in the wrong places?
Stu said:
I see your point but if you want to use 907 then you either need another cylinder to take with you or you'll be pulling your van apart every time you want to cook something to get your 907 out.

The aerosols are small to carry and you can find them easily in the EU. If you need two burners buy two singles?? It's not going to be any bigger than the Camping Gaz unit and being two smaller parts may be easier to pack.

I mean this style (currently £10 in Go Outdoors) -


Good point - I shall see what I can find - the thought of lugging a great big cooker around, when we'll already be very pushed for space, didn't appeal!

another vote for the aerosol refill powered single burners here. Make sure to get one (or two) in a carry case for easy storage and care but always take it out of the case to use (airflow, better burn, no risk of melting the plastic carry case etc).

We had a really old campingaz twin burner and grill that was still going strong but it was bulky and having to carry the 907 added to the bulk (When we went camping, and the vehicle was an empty T5). The grill was pretty rubbish so we never/rarely used it and you are stuck to a certain size of pan if you want to use two together as you have a fixed width (like with the Cali hobs). With the single burners you can choose whether to take 1 or two depending on needs, you can 'secrete' them in different parts of the 'van to make best use of space and so on.

Also, we found the gas to be cheaper overall, 1 can lasts longer than we expected and there is good value to be had by buying a box full (I think that gets you something in the region of 24-32 cans of gas) separated in packs of 4 for convenience. I would say 12, maybe 16, cans occupies the same space as a 907.

Places will try and sell you a single burner for up to £30 but you rarely have to spend more than £10-£15 to get one somewhere.
I liked the idea of a common gas can size - thinking we will be better insured against running out. We will use our van mostly for wild camping in NW Scotland so are aiming for maximum levels of self sufficiency. So - I've invested in one of these: ... B0002DF17W
Plan is to carry a 'spare' 907 for the Cali - and use if for this when we cook outside. I envisage using the outside stove for the smelly stuff (hopefully catch a few mackerel...) and the inside stove for the carbs...

That said - this is a system/theory that is yet to be proven so I defer to those seasoned campers recommending the single burner stoves w/ aerosol style gas cans - they are very compact and at £10 no great loss if it turns out they don't suit your needs.

Also, I guess my solution this isn't the answer for you if you're after a 2-burner hob (unless you fancy lugging 3 x 907's around with you?) but I just though I'd throw the link out there as may be of interest to somebody else.
I've used a coleman dual fuel twin burner for years.

Very powerful
Very easy to find fuel anywhere you go
Cheap to run
Never let me down

Cons compared to gas (in my opinion):
Petrol isn't nice stuff to deal with
Not as simple to use

Could be a good option for an outdoor stove and insurance against running out of gas.
I recently got a Camping Gaz Duo+ CV for outdoor use. Twin burners both fed from their own CV canister. Not tried it in anger yet (bit cold for camping at the moment) but it seems well made and packs up small. I think they also do a version that runs off the 907 regulator fed bottles. What it doesent have is the auto ignition so a match or lighter would be needed.
Got mine for £15 from Oswald Bailey as they had a sale on at the time. Don't seem to be listed on their website any more but Amazon have them for £20. ... B001P80GQE

Custardtart said:
I've used a coleman dual fuel twin burner for years.

Very powerful
Very easy to find fuel anywhere you go
Cheap to run
Never let me down

Cons compared to gas (in my opinion):
Petrol isn't nice stuff to deal with
Not as simple to use

Could be a good option for an outdoor stove and insurance against running out of gas.

+ 1 on this. We've used one of these for years camping, it's an excellent bit of kit. Run ours on Aspen 4T fuel, it burns cleaner than unleaded and doesn't smell, is cheaper than coleman fuel. Do a web search for a stockist and buy a 5 litre can, it lasts for ages
TravellinJones said:
I liked the idea of a common gas can size - thinking we will be better insured against running out. We will use our van mostly for wild camping in NW Scotland so are aiming for maximum levels of self sufficiency. So - I've invested in one of these: ... B0002DF17W
Plan is to carry a 'spare' 907 for the Cali - and use if for this when we cook outside. I envisage using the outside stove for the smelly stuff (hopefully catch a few mackerel...) and the inside stove for the carbs...

That said - this is a system/theory that is yet to be proven so I defer to those seasoned campers recommending the single burner stoves w/ aerosol style gas cans - they are very compact and at £10 no great loss if it turns out they don't suit your needs.

Also, I guess my solution this isn't the answer for you if you're after a 2-burner hob (unless you fancy lugging 3 x 907's around with you?) but I just though I'd throw the link out there as may be of interest to somebody else.

If space is an issue, you could consider using your new burner with a 901 bottle (much smaller than the 907 but shares the same fitting). This would give you the back up you wanted whilst requiring less space. However I think you would need to make some sort of support / foot for the bottle if you were to do this... We have a purpose made box (made by the previous owner) that sits in the space between the bench seat and the kitchen unit, accessible only from the back. I use this as a tool box but it could be used as storage / support for the new burner. You've got me thinking. See the pics below

box 1 small.jpg box 2 small.jpg

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