Travel to France

Chamonix or Flumserberg :thumb
I’ve put my Euro Tunnel tickets down as a sunk cost and will now sail to Santander (all being well) they’ve had a dump of snow in the Pyrenees. Might be an option? I’m taking my surfboard and my snowboard. I’ll go where the conditions suit. The joys of a campervan.
I’ve put my Euro Tunnel tickets down as a sunk cost and will now sail to Santander (all being well) they’ve had a dump of snow in the Pyrenees. Might be an option? I’m taking my surfboard and my snowboard. I’ll go where the conditions suit. The joys of a campervan.
Entering my second hour on hold with Eurotunnel…
Don’t go to Lecht as it’s worse than aviemore.
A few little ones out on the nursery slopes.979306C4-336E-4A2E-BD74-524DD2282135.jpeg
I’ve put my Euro Tunnel tickets down as a sunk cost and will now sail to Santander (all being well) they’ve had a dump of snow in the Pyrenees. Might be an option? I’m taking my surfboard and my snowboard. I’ll go where the conditions suit. The joys of a campervan.
I’m at Cerler right now for the weekend, was here last weekend too. Lots of snow, but the wind blew some away at high altitude last week. 40% veterans discount. 16D825FE-38E0-4629-8817-B1D150B9268E.jpeg
Bitter/sweet for us. Due to go through the tunnel on Monday for 4 nights in L2D followed by a week in Val Thorens. Snow looks great but before the travel ban the imposition of so many testing requirements for the kids in particular meant we would have been testing them both every 24hrs to allow access to the lifts, at c.45 euros each a day with likely lots of hassle/queuing, plus the increased in/out testing. As a result we had considered cancelling anyway so we are actually glad Macron has been clear rather than just pile more hoops to jump through at more cost; we now at least get the money back.
Both companies we booked through have been great in communicating refund options, had an email from one of them (Sunweb, budget provider but have been brilliant) by 1100 on Thursday detailing how to get a full refund; lessons learned from last year.
Quick reset for Xmas at home (enormous turkey on order, only one I could find at this point; 10kg should keep the 4 of us going for a while in lockdown!) and we’ll look to go again when things calm down.
Just need the media to stop reporting on the fresh powder in France (not Austria from the previous phot!) and we’ll be happy; and will look to go again when things settle down.
I’ve put my Euro Tunnel tickets down as a sunk cost and will now sail to Santander (all being well) they’ve had a dump of snow in the Pyrenees. Might be an option? I’m taking my surfboard and my snowboard. I’ll go where the conditions suit. The joys of a campervan.
my workmate has a flat up past Jaca and said there’s too much snow up there atm. I’m not a skier so i don’t know if too much snow a thing or not, but check before you go!
Surfing will be fine, plus it’s warm and sunny on the north coast (often we have an atrocious november then t shirt weather tail end of december)
New rules.
You can no longer transit through France.
Tunnel effectively shut.

URGENT UPDATE FOR BRITISH RESIDENTS IN EU: Following a French Government decision, on 28/12/2021, unless they hold French residency, British citizens are now considered 3rd country citizens and can no longer transit France by road to reach their country of residence in the EU.
New rules.
You can no longer transit through France.
Tunnel effectively shut.

URGENT UPDATE FOR BRITISH RESIDENTS IN EU: Following a French Government decision, on 28/12/2021, unless they hold French residency, British citizens are now considered 3rd country citizens and can no longer transit France by road to reach their country of residence in the EU.
It seems those travelling with an EU spouse are still being allowed through, but a couple of reports of residents travelling alone being turned back. Nothing official from the French yet, this is interesting reading however.

As much as I disagree with this as a UK national living in EU, I think I get why they're doing this.

To restrict UK-France travel to 'compelling reasons only', ostensibly to reduce Omicron coming in, yet thousands of EU based UK nationals can come and go as they please, doesn't seem consistent.

Where it stops making sense is I could drive 20km to the border, my EU national wife and son could go through but I couldn't!
Is France (Mr Macron) restricting travel from other countries or is it just the UK?

France has five tiers:
Blue - France only
Green - EU plus others
Orange - UK, USA, most of Asia, most of Africa
Red - Russia, Pakistan, some of Southern Africa.
Deep red - South Africa

France has five tiers:
Blue - France only
Green - EU plus others
Orange - UK, USA, most of Asia, most of Africa
Red - Russia, Pakistan, some of Southern Africa.
Deep red - South Africa

UK is no longer orange? According to the ministry of the interior site:

“Amber list”countries: Countries where active circulation of the virus is observed in controlled proportions, without spread of any variants of concern. These are all countries not included in the “green” and “red” list countries.

Countries subject to specific measures : The United Kingdom constitutes a special category of countries with active circulation of a variant, due to the specific measures applying to travel to and from this country since December 20, 2021.
UK is no longer orange? According to the ministry of the interior site:

“Amber list”countries: Countries where active circulation of the virus is observed in controlled proportions, without spread of any variants of concern. These are all countries not included in the “green” and “red” list countries.

Countries subject to specific measures : The United Kingdom constitutes a special category of countries with active circulation of a variant, due to the specific measures applying to travel to and from this country since December 20, 2021.

So France has six categories:
Blue - France
Green - e.g. EU, Australia
Orange - e.g. USA
Red - e.g. Nigeria
Scarlet - e.g. S.Africa
Hors catégorie - UK

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