Travel to France

18 hours - don't forget the time difference, actually where does France start? is it passport control at Folkestone?
It says midnight on Saturday. Does that mean 0001 or 2359?
The way I read it from the French announcement says transit through France is only possible with an EU family member going to a place of residence in EU other than France. Tough for anyone that lives in EU and was planning to drive home and doesn’t have an EU appendage.
I believe it’s actually from midnight on fri not on Saturday.
Am booked on flight lunch time tomorrow phfew.
Yup reported as midnight Saturday but 2300 Friday so assuming it means 0001 sat morning slightly confusing
Just like that.
Any travel (via the tunnel) to the continent is off limits for the time being…:headbang

Anyone want to buy some skis…?
Make variant is spreading like wildfire. Lots of friends & family members have contracted it during past week (despite being double vaccinated & booster). They are all ok, just managing it at home so will be free for Christmas!
Just like that.
Any travel (via the tunnel) to the continent is off limits for the time being…:headbang

Anyone want to buy some skis…?
Aviemore?, unless she who will be nameless closes it down.
Make variant is spreading like wildfire. Lots of friends & family members have contracted it during past week (despite being double vaccinated & booster). They are all ok, just managing it at home so will be free for Christmas!

We have just come through (as a family) a three week isolation lockdown. All of us had Covid and it was brutal. Early 40s, fit, healthy and double jabbed…
Really don’t want it again…!!!
Make variant is spreading like wildfire. Lots of friends & family members have contracted it during past week (despite being double vaccinated & booster). They are all ok, just managing it at home so will be free for Christmas!
Genuine point here Butty - not stirring though perhaps a bit controversial - but is anyone else wondering whether "despite being" might actually ready better as "because" . I know we are all told it is safe and effective protection, but there does seem to be a lot of Covid occurrence following all these injections. I read about natural immunity being longer lasting: and that a big issue with the injections, apart from the fact that they wear off (like winter tyres!), is the 14 day aftermath when natural immunity has been erased but the MRNA effect has not taken hold, leaving people more vulnerable to ADE (Antibody Deficiency Syndrome).
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Judging by the comment made by a French Politician that only Europeans can (should be able to) travel through France it goes a long way way to understanding the Macron view that we are not European now.
Judging by the comment made by a French Politician that only Europeans can (should be able to) travel through France it goes a long way way to understanding the Macron view that we are not European now.

Typical reaction from a French President, near the end of his period at the top.
He’s scrambling for votes. The anti Anglo rhetoric is an easy and desperate attempt to attract support…
Typical reaction from a French President, near the end of his period at the top.
He’s scrambling for votes. The anti Anglo rhetoric is an easy and desperate attempt to attract support…

If his nationalistic stance steals votes from Le Pen (shouldn’t she be called La Pen{?}) it is not such a bad thing.
Judging by the comment made by a French Politician that only Europeans can (should be able to) travel through France it goes a long way way to understanding the Macron view that we are not European now.
It’s in part that France cannot stop EU citizens from entering. It does seem they are having a good go at bashing the Schengen rules too which was a subject for debate in Brussels this week, talk of allowing countries to determine that they can introduce border controls on their own.
Whatever the cause, it’s buggered my Christmas travel plans, not going to risk a French Immigration officer decide that my transit through France back home is not “essential”.

VW California Club
