VW California Club Factory Tour in Hannover 2017 [Archived]

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Definitely interested! Can't currently say if any particular months next year are in or out, but if possible I will be there. Please keep me informed
We have been invited as a club to tour the VW California factory and production line in Hannover in 2017.

We are still deciding on a date and also need to gauge numbers that wish to attend.

Anyone fancy it? Preferred months?

Depending on dates we'd be interested
Definitely not August 2017, I will be otherwise engaged talking about WW1, possibly April as well, otherwise I would be interested.
Count us 2 in, anytime, with flight hotel option
We have been invited as a club to tour the VW California factory and production line in Hannover in 2017.

We are still deciding on a date and also need to gauge numbers that wish to attend.

Anyone fancy it? Preferred months?
Hi Martin
We would be interested subject to dates in Spring 2017. Would aim to take the new Cali...
Why not combine the VW California factory trip with a visit to one of the most famous vintage Volkswagen shows to be held anywhere in the world there won't be another until 2021! See http://www.uraltkaefer.de/e_index.html
This show venue is about 30 miles West of Hanover just off the A30. Believe me if you are in any way interested in early Volkswagens this show is not to be missed! There will be a campsite at the event and a Stellplatz in town (but you will not get anywhere near it!) but there is another nice one near the ferry crossing of the river Wasser at GroĂźenwieden from which you will be able to watch wartime VW Schwimmwagens 'swimming' across the river on the Sunday. That again is a unique sight for this show.
There is also a private VW museum belonging to the Grundmann family in the town of Hessisch Oldendorf which will be hosting visitors on the show weekend.

Other attractions locally are the town of Hameln (town of the Pied Piper) and of course for another 60 miles travel East than Hanover the main VW factory at Wolfsburg.

Hanover factory tour in the latter weeks of June 2017 then.

I hope to be at Hessisch with our '46 Beetle if I can get the restoration completed by then, if not we will be there anyway!

All of that information from a non Cali owner.

Very interested, we have kids so hoping there is no age restriction. However I am sure hubby could just go in alone.

I would also be interested in hearing about other places to visit as it is a long journey and we would probably make a week of it and visit some other locations. I know zero about Germany so any ideas would be appreciated.
Me and my co-pilot are interested. Spring time would suit us best.
Would love to go but would depend on dates as Charlotte has won a place at Brit School from September studying film and media production and their Spring hols are a bit odd and probably won't coincide with mine but would love to go if possible.
We would love to come...campsite for us....preferably Spring onwards but anytime if know soon enough in advance.
I'd be interested too - some friends went and said it was fantastic. Kids too if they're allowed, and if it's around school hols.
Vaguely interested in Hanover factory visit but wonder what attention VW might give us? Would it be a standard factory visit or might it be geared towards Cali users, addressing our specific questions?

If it would give us technical info as "hotel"did in his posts last year "Cali technical tips & tricks" it might be worthwhile. Otherwise a trip to CCN in Amersfoort might be of more interest to me.

On the other hand, it sounds like a great big meet up with fellow Cali nuts and that would also be interesting.
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We could be interested too . Please keep us in the loupe . Thanks .
We have been invited as a club to tour the VW California factory and production line in Hannover in 2017.

We are still deciding on a date and also need to gauge numbers that wish to attend.

Anyone fancy it? Preferred months?
Sounds great, we are new to the forum so would be great to be involved, school holidays great for us if possible
Interested depending on timng
Hi All

What a great idea – a 2017 trip to Germany and a tour of the VW California factory. If I can acquire a California by then (working on it) please put me down for a place.

Just for information and food for thought, back in September 2009, the Type Two Owners Club (who back then did Vanfest) also organised a Germany rally that included a visit to the Hanover factory (plus a visit to Wolfsburg, and a VW engine factory). With me driving my old T25 Westfalia Atlantic, which was one of the youngest VW´s - it was a very slow convoy. We got as far as Berlin (a tour of a hidden Flack Tower plus Templehoff airport) but the highlight was camping outside and visiting Colditz castle. Nearly forgot - also a personal guided tour of a lucky German´s private VW museum. Memories that you cannot buy.

As I say “food for thought”. Good luck with the organising.
Very interested, late in catching this post as we have just got back from 7 weeks in France.
So that's two with the obvious caveat of dates.
@Martin : Any news about this trip? Just impatient to get it in the Calendar ;-)
We seem to have lost contact with the factory, no replies to emails for a few weeks now! I will keep chasing.

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VW California Club
