What do you have to do?!?!?!



Hi, am new here - Brilliant forum, massively helpful.

A month ago I walked into VW Guildford, spec'd a Cali down to the finest detail, read it out to a salesman and gave him £1000 deposit.

Probably the easiest £60,000 vehicle he will ever sell. I wasn't there an hour.

Today (One month minus 1 day) the order has still not been placed on VW Germany and the dealer seems to be ignoring me.

Tell me - which part of that have I done wrong? :headbang

The delivery wait is painful enough without it being stretched a month by the dealer......

Should I cancel the order and buy elsewhere?


Just read that again and realised the tone of it!

I am a little frustrated, you can probably tell. :)

And at the same time massively excited about getting it (one day)!

I have already spent many happy hours planning trips and listing things I'll need. Can't wait.
Hi welcome don't worry you have the right to feel a little peeved.
Ask for your deposit back -and then place an order via drive the deal - they will put you in touch with a dealer who wants the business (they might be anywhere in the uk) and they will give you a massive discount.

You clearly know what you want so you don't need a good salesman, just one who is willing to place an order!

I am sure the SMG could do you a quote?

This forum is even better than I thought!

Two hours after my initial post - guess what?????

I am sure it must be coincidence........

Order number and order form received and it only took 30 days!

Now I either relax and forget about the next step or I keep biting my nails.....

Press the red button now to vote

Thanks for the advice all.
That's not a great start - you have clearly gone for a very well specced Cali!

I had to do a fair bit of cajoling to get "my" dealer to play ball but got there in the end.

I reckon you're owed some discount or freebies; that's not good enough.

But anyway, welcome to the forum; can't wait to see what you finally get!
Thanks Kernowlad - think I will try to negotiate some freebies :)

Planning on using the Cali all year round and for some Skiing trips too so went for (similar to yours) 180, 4motion, DSG with the usual extras. Price soon adds up.

Managed to haggle a discount I am happy enough with, that will help to cover some of the costs of all the other stuff I need to buy to equip it :)


VW California Club
