What is acceptable roof sag?

They won't want to repair it with 6 months left, they will be clamouring to repair it for you after 6 months though!
Without wishing to be rude, ours sags after about 36 hours or so but only on one side - this is actually normal and to be expected.
As we have a. 2011 model, we don't have the auto re tension facility which only came into being around 2013 I believe.
Definitely insist and take it back. I had mine done back in 2012. Good as gold now. :)
Auto re-tension ? Sounds like VW have introduced a complex solution to a problem that is only there because they chose a complex solution to a problem that didn't need fixing. I can only go on my own experience but my 2007 T5 doesn't sag at all since I lubricated the jacks. It seems that the hydraulics will only lift until a certain amount of resistance is met. That should be when the roof is taut but dry or dirty jacks could stop the roof reaching its ful height. Once full height is reached and unless the hydraulics are leaking it should stay that way. That's my experience but , of course, I'm happy to be challenged.
Our van is booked in next week- so I'll let you know the outcome. Certainly our roof has seen very regular use though could have been unused between November and February each if the two years we have had it. Could you send a photo of where to lubricate (tho in my case I'll hang fire awaiting the dealer response)? Our roof always reaches full height, but drops after several hours, and not always.
Auto re-tension ? Sounds like VW have introduced a complex solution to a problem that is only there because they chose a complex solution to a problem that didn't need fixing. I can only go on my own experience but my 2007 T5 doesn't sag at all since I lubricated the jacks. It seems that the hydraulics will only lift until a certain amount of resistance is met. That should be when the roof is taut but dry or dirty jacks could stop the roof reaching its ful height. Once full height is reached and unless the hydraulics are leaking it should stay that way. That's my experience but , of course, I'm happy to be challenged.
Changes in ambient temperature will alter the hydraulic pressure over time. Mine seems to Autotension about every 4 days and always seems to be at night. I just wipe over everything with a cloth sprayed with AC50. Similar to WD40 but more as a anti-corrosion treatment and make sure everything is clean before lowering again. I do it about twice a year.
Auto re-tension ? Sounds like VW have introduced a complex solution to a problem that is only there because they chose a complex solution to a problem that didn't need fixing. I can only go on my own experience but my 2007 T5 doesn't sag at all since I lubricated the jacks. It seems that the hydraulics will only lift until a certain amount of resistance is met. That should be when the roof is taut but dry or dirty jacks could stop the roof reaching its ful height. Once full height is reached and unless the hydraulics are leaking it should stay that way. That's my experience but , of course, I'm happy to be challenged.
Hi Caligraphy,
When our Cali was new, the roof took longer to sag, but it did eventually. The sag time does shorten with age and I do tend to lubricate the jacks about once a year. I don't know if it's just the hydraulics which leak a tiny amount over time?
I would agree that it's a complex solution, but I know the auto re-tension was introduced into later Calis for this reason. It shouldn't have to be this way.
There is an argument for a manual roof when you consider this and problems with tears when fabric gets caught in bellows etc.. Maybe having this as an option going forward might be good...
Hi Caligraphy,
When our Cali was new, the roof took longer to sag, but it did eventually. The sag time does shorten with age and I do tend to lubricate the jacks about once a year. I don't know if it's just the hydraulics which leak a tiny amount over time?
I would agree that it's a complex solution, but I know the auto re-tension was introduced into later Calis for this reason. It shouldn't have to be this way.
There is an argument for a manual roof when you consider this and problems with tears when fabric gets caught in bellows etc.. Maybe having this as an option going forward might be good...
I don't think Canvas Tears are restricted to the Hydraulic Roof only. Any roof based on a folding canvas design is prone to this time of damage unless care is taken.
The hydraulic roof is able to be lifted or lowered with a roof box or roof rack on taking account of the weight limits, in a controlled manner, which would be more difficult with a manual roof.
Our van is booked in next week- so I'll let you know the outcome. Certainly our roof has seen very regular use though could have been unused between November and February each if the two years we have had it. Could you send a photo of where to lubricate (tho in my case I'll hang fire awaiting the dealer response)? Our roof always reaches full height, but drops after several hours, and not always.
Sorry to be tardy in response. Mine was a problem with getting it up to the correct height in the first place. It seems to me that sagging after reaching the correct height might point to hydraulics leak. The pressure should stay constant if there is no leak. Can you put the roof back up to the right position after it drops back ? Can someone weigh in with experience of hydraulic leaks ?

As far as lubricating goes, I'm no expert on this so I just sprayed WD40 on anything that looked likely to be a moving part. As long as you control the overspray it shouldn't be an issue.
Apologies- I should have reported back re my case; VW Peterborough replaced both sides, so hopefully fixed- first weekend away, at Whitby coming up so will see. The garage said that one side had failed and that had strained the other side- but I'm not convinced they really knew what was going on. In my case the roof went up fine but sagged after 12+ hours. It would not retension without lowering it a little and then back up to full height.

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All this talk of sagging is reminding me of someone :sad
As we have a. 2011 model, we don't have the auto re tension facility which only came into being around 2013 I believe.
We have the auto re tension facility on our 2008 model.
Mine sags too at the left side. Auto retensioning is stated in the maual, but haven't seen it happening in mine over the last 9 years?
Our 2011 loses a bit of tension on the left side too. Again only occasionally. I seem to recall that it checks and retentions at 10h from the last time. After one wake up, we now put the roof down a touch then fully up to retention it before bed. I vaguely remember someone saying that the 10h can be restarted by switching the radio on and off too; haven’t tried this.

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Our 2011 loses a bit of tension on the left side too. Again only occasionally. I seem to recall that it checks and retentions at 10h from the last time. After one wake up, we now put the roof down a touch then fully up to retention it before bed. I vaguely remember someone saying that the 10h can be restarted by switching the radio on and off too; haven’t tried this.

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The automatic retension check is 10 hours after ignition is off, then every 5 hours. It only fires up if it senses there’s enough sag to be worth it, mine normally does it after 20 hours and just as I’m going to sleep!

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