Not so sure it is illegal to undertake if you are already in the inside lane and haven't moved there specifically for the purpose. That's what I was told by a policeman friend anywayMobile phones in the hand and middle lane drivers.
What really is annoying is driving at 60 or 70 on the motorway in the inside lane and then coming upon someone in the middle lane doing 50. Legally you have to pull out to the outside lane to overtake, but why?
Dual carriageways don't have an overtaking lane as such.
Then, conversely, when you let someone in by moving over to the next lane, they don't let you back in and you get stuck in the outside lane with the choice of an Audi up your chuff or accelerating to 85mph to get out of the wayPeople that don't move over, when there is no one in the next lane, when you are trying to join a dual carriage way from a slip road.
People that take their time whilst at the fuel pump, they then go in to pay and do their weekly shop whilst at it, when they do finally get back in car they take 5 minutes to drive away.
I tend to find poor driving from others more amusing than anything else these days. It just isn't worth getting upset about.
This could be a very very long thread Kev.
For me it is people who do not drive at a constant speed on the motorway meaning i have to keep resetting the cruise control, also other cali drivers that do not wave back to me !
In this country motorists seem to be incapable of dealing properly with overtaking cyclists
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