The die has been cast: I have followed my feelings and indeed, asked the question: who am I. Well, I'm rather retro with a little bit of chic but with a twist: it will be an ascot grey.
For me cherry red was a bit too much in my face and also too sporty, how strange that seems for a campervan but certainly not a wrong colour; I still like it.
I feel good about my decision and will always keep looking at the red californias but without regrets that we don't have one. We could have a cherry red and again chose a grey one. A grey mouse with a twist because it remains a 'special standard colour' for me.
May I thank you all again for your contributions and to all the people with a cherry red: congratulations on your vivid choice; I really couldn't do it; it's not me.
I will see our california every day: either through the front window of our house or through the window at my workplace and I want to see an ascot grey. Did I do well? For me I did.
Oh, and what did they give me extra: an expensive waxing of our new cali upon delivery and the ability to use a California rental free of charge for 3 weeks should ours be delivered later (final delivery date as stated on the new order form: 5 July 2021) + the purchase price of my opel grandland remains as it is now (no depreciation) unless my opel garage offers more. For us all is o.k. I also want a good relationship with the dealer because they are close to us (just in the middle of our house and my work) so I want to go there for maintenance or repairs.
Now I have to check and double check and recheck the order form that the dealer sent me
