Yes, in real terms prices will fall soon, soon being the operative word. You don't need to subscribe to any particular political persuasion to observe that markets have always fluctuated over time; houses, classic cars, coffee, fine wine, gold, oil are all consumables which have been worth more or less at different times in a fluctuating market. Again, whatever your politics, a feature of capitalism has been its booms and crashes for more than two hundred years. Whether 'van prices will fall this year cannot be known, or the year after, but they will fall "soon". In comparison with continental Europe the supply of vehicles has always been low in the UK, the pandemic and Brexit have made staycationing more and more attractive, campervanning has been a bit of a "media darling", many people put a bit of money aside while working at home and not being able to socialise ..... the consequence has been a sellers' market and prices have rocketed. This will change "soon", but all is not lost. Vans have an average life span of thirty years from registration to scrapping, cars only thirteen, so are likely to be a better investment than any other vehicle. And anyway, I always remember this; Toad was obsessed by the delights of a horse pulled gypsy caravan early in "Wind in the Willows", (the childhood memory of the description of this helped direct me into 'vanning) until he was overtaken by a motor car, which instantly became his next fixation .......... which meant that presumably a low mileage, well cared for camper came on to the market pretty soon afterwards! Yes, the market will fall "soon", which means that "soon" there may be bargains to be had! Good luck with that everyone .......