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I feel that we have that one nailed for our 3 seat bench Beach:You need more small compartments to store things to keep organised. It's a PITA having to riffle through all your gear to find something.
The bench is kept forward, so it doesn't need moving to make the bed. In the boot, the multiflex is pushed up to the rear of the bench. Under the multiflex go four stackable translucent drawers (1 x H: 30 x W: 44 x D: 55cm, 2 x H: 24 x W: 44 x D: 55cm; 1 x H: 18 x W: 44 x D: 55cm); they fit perfectly under the multiflex, with a small triangular void in front due to the slope of the bench back.
1. base layer clothing goes in the Van Essa window bags
2. emergency use hookup cable goes in the void in front of the stackable draws, so do the children's chairs
3. 18cm drawer contains dry food and tins (pasta, beans, pineapple rings, etc)
24cm drawer contains eating/drinking utensils (plates, mugs, corkscrew, water jug, etc)
30cm drawer contains cooking utensils
24cm drawer contains miscellaneous items (washing up liquid, collapsible bucket, etc)
4. the stove goes between the two stacks of two stackable wardrobes30cm drawer contains cooking utensils
24cm drawer contains miscellaneous items (washing up liquid, collapsible bucket, etc)
5. big items go behind the stackable wardrobe and multiflex (tent awning, gas bottles, bag of boots, etc)
6. light items go above the multiflex (duvets, fleeces, mattress topper, bag of swim wear, etc)
7. bench drawer 1 - nappies, wipes, cream, etc
bench drawer 2 - children's books
bench drawer 3 - dogs' food
8. behind the front passenger seat goes the TV and foldable toilet and fridge, the fridge is secured to the rails with straps and keeps the toilet and TV in placebench drawer 3 - dogs' food
9. one dog goes in a basket on the middle seat, one dog goes on the floor behind the driver
10. wintercoats and rain coats hang on hooks
Note: we travel with just the middle headrest as the boys go in child seats and don't need the bench headrests
When we set up at a campsite, the awning tent comes out first and is put up. Gas, kitchen table and stackable wardrobe all go in the tent and the kettle goes on. The table, children's table, chairs and children's chairs all go in the tent. The boot is now empty except for the emergency hookup cable and bag of boots.
The multiflex is moved back and the middle headrest and child seats go in the boot, along with the bag of swimming things. If required, the roof topper comes out from the chair cavity. From the cabin, the dog baskets go into the tent, the roof is popped up, front seats swivelled and the lower bed made up.
Note: now that we have an effective and secure boot prop, the Bromptons, toy bikes and children's bike trailer do not need to be unloaded from the bike rack.
Setting up at the campsite is done by one adult, while the other adult explores the campsite with the boys.