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This is EXACTLY what I have said to both sets of friends... I’m banging me head against a brick wall...On Radio 2 today, the resident doctor (can't recall her name) made a point that really resonated with me. I paraphrase, but she said....
This virus can and will infect perfectly healthy people. Continuing to go to the pub, out to restaurants or carry on as normal will increase the percentage of who gets infected concurrently. Now whilst it is less likely that these people will die from the virus, a percentage will get ill enough that they need to hospitalised. The bed they occupy will therefore not be available to an elderly person who could die.
By going to the pub (or golf, or whatever) and getting it bad enough to require a hospital bed, these people will directly be responsible for someone else dying.
THIS is why we should isolate. Not for ourselves, but to ensure beds are kept free for those that really need it.
When I heard this, it really made me think in a different way. I had no plans to go to the pub, but meeting with a few mates for bike rides in the countryside was on the cards. I've now decided not to...it's just not worth it.