The year I was born (ahem... 1959

) the Mini was launched, starting price £497. That was just over a year's average salary at that time. Today, a BMW Mini starts at £15,544 which is about 7 months' average salary.
When compared to other things you could buy, a 2020 Mini (£15,544) is admittedly one-third more expensive than that 1959 Mini would be at current CPI prices (about £11,600). But it's easily more than a third more complex than the Issigonis Mini and hardly a comparable product functionally.
So no, I wouldn't agree than vehicles generally are overpriced, versus other things and certainly not on affordability. However it would be interesting to compare the price of a VW/Westy 'Camping Box' van in the 1950s or 60s against a typical family car in the same period. Anyone have any price figures for the early Westies?