Haha, well I know a LOT more about campervans and toilets than when I started this thread!

We just collected our new (to us) California Coast and have just ordered a Thetford 335,
We had a 335 in our ‘car camping’ days. Since first posting we have owned 2 Fiat Ducato based campervans (with electric flushing loos!) and finally after all these years just seen the light and bought a Cali.
I’m less worried about all this toilet stuff and consider all the advantages of the VW to outweigh the disadvantages of driving about in a big ‘delivery van disguised as a motor home’.
Oh and for what its worth we found that keeping the liquids and solids apart (that’s peeing in a bottle to you and me

) considerably reduces odours and increase the time period before the loo needs emptying. Also eco friendly washing machine liquid works (nearly) as well as the green liquid chemical additives but much much cheaper, and the loo can still be emptied into a septic type toilet without causing any harm.
Too much information? yeah maybe but hey, we all go to the loo…….