Asset Values

If it is still low on 6 April I'll take the punt by maxing out on my boys' stocks and shares Junior ISAs instead of making monthly investments.

Yes that would indeed be a punt. A more conventional approach would be to feed money in monthly (as you usually do by the sound of it) so you aren't trying to 'time' the market.
on buying the Cali in February we had a surplus car. WBAC quoted 6500 for a 3.5 year old C3 picasso about 4 weeks ago. 4500 now. And you can bet they'll reduce that by £750 when they see the normal age related damage to the wheels and bodywork.

I assume basic demand and supply. Luckily I don't "need" to sell it at the moment, however it's a financial drain that I need to lose at some point.
on buying the Cali in February we had a surplus car. WBAC quoted 6500 for a 3.5 year old C3 picasso about 4 weeks ago. 4500 now. And you can bet they'll reduce that by £750 when they see the normal age related damage to the wheels and bodywork.

I assume basic demand and supply. Luckily I don't "need" to sell it at the moment, however it's a financial drain that I need to lose at some point.
If the last recession is anything to go by it is the bigger , thirsty more luxury end of the market that will take the biggest hits . .
This is going to be felt years later never mind months - the falls might not be a s big but the FTSE will slowly tick down to probably equal the losses we have seen to date before it recovers . I honestly think any fall of less than 50% will be relatively low given what we have seen in the past and the severity of the forthcoming economic crisis. I would be looking for a market index around 4000 before buying .
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I stopped trading a couple of years ago as it was always for the future and the future has arrived.
Kept a couple of speculative positions which were trades that became investments if you know what I mean

I would be very surprised if previous lows are not at least tested.

If I was trading I would be waiting until they at least hold those lows and either way only averaging into the market in small steps.

Stock picking is going to be extremely interesting.

Brent now $31.50/bbl up $27.32%on the day

WTI now 26.34/bbl up 29.69% on the day

//Trump tweeted that after speaking with Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the two have agreed to cool off their price war and cut production, which would help the U.S. energy industry.

WTI futures, up already on hopes of a deal, soared more than 25% following the tweet.//

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Now that it’s official that it’s all the fault of the 5G network, maybe it’s time to offload any shares in mobile phone companies, back to landlines and my soaring BT shares (Not)!
Oil dropped to $1 a barrel todayo_O

Basically worthless :eek:
So, today 1x bitcoin will buy you 600x barrels of oil (at $11 a barrel.) Mind-bending to think many investors are unsure which one is the better investment.
Oil has now fallen 99.9% in a day
Hit a low of 1 cent a barrel... basically free oil to anyone who will take it

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Made worst by the fact. They’ve all been pumping oil out of the ground over the last month as consumption dropped and now have nowhere to store it.
There’s tankers floating in ports, full to the brim...
Sorry to go on about this, but this is weird
Oil has now gone to minus $6 a barrel
It has negative value, suppliers will pay you to take it off their hands

I wonder if we will get paid by Tescos for filling up with diesel :)
If Tesco did it would be interesting to discover how the VAT and duty would be dealt with? Negative tax, I like the idea....…….
If Tesco did it would be interesting to discover how the VAT and duty would be dealt with? Negative tax, I like the idea....…….

Movement regulations have an answer for that. It would not be lawful to drive to Tesco’s if the purpose is to fill up with diesel to gain negative VAT.

Of course, if you happened to be passing Tesco on your way to exercise, that would be fine. ;)
Pretty much what I said further up the post. It seems ludicrous that they keep pumping it out of the ground...
Why can’t they all agree to a timeout...?
It’s just complete nonsense.
As others have said, capacity of the oil tankers will peak soon as per land storage, traders paying others to take futures off their books is nuts, as you said, close the taps.
As others have said, capacity of the oil tankers will peak soon as per land storage, traders paying others to take futures off their books is nuts, as you said, close the taps.
If I recall correctly, turning off the taps in the easy bit, turning them on again is more expensive.
If I recall correctly, turning off the taps in the easy bit, turning them on again is more expensive.

Yeah, now you mention it. I think I’ve heard that before too...

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