Countdown begins!

Well, busy day. 450 miles in 8 hrs including 4 stops, 2 of which were compulsory coffee and pastry stops. Now down in Southern Germany, at a lovely campsite in Hammer, about 20 miles off the A 4.
Lots of cars but only the occasional lorry carrying perishables. They were all parked up at the service and picnic areas.View attachment 8468The A7 Autobahn from Denmark to Hamburg is just one giant roadworks and will be until 2017. Miles of contraflows and speed restrictions.
Sally SatNav said I should have been here at 1637 when I left this morning, then when on the A1 , the dreaded voice - Your route has been changed due to traffic conditions and the arrival time went to 2020hrs. Checking the Traffic messages there was a 1/2 mile of stationary traffic on the A1 and as I watched a new message popped up 5 miles of stationary traffic. As I came over the brow of a hill in the far distance just red lights, but then Sally said - your route has been changed, take the next exit right, and off we went on a 25 minute trip through the the German countryside and completely bypassed the hold up and arrived at 1658 instead. Can't fault her.
So now pitched up, off for a beer. Next to a river again, but deep in the German forest this time.View attachment 8469View attachment 8470

I know one thing, the Danish and Germans are damn lucky no one has introduced Average Speed Cameras for their road works. Speed limit 80kph, no one was doing less than 90.
When we were in Holland the sat nav was fab. It steered us around some dreadful roadworks. The only time we came unstuck was when we ignored it, we spent the next 30 minutes sat in a queue pontificating on it! Very impressed indeed.
If you've got tha RNS510 then press the Traffic button on the R . You'll see the messages which it uses to re plot your route. They're always in English as well. She is clever.:D
Oh, thanks for that - I've never pressed that button because I thought it would make the radio start changing station, which I hate; it always seems to happen at the wrong moment! Anyway, I just went out and pressed it but it said no traffic data, presumably because there was nothing to report. Will try it next time I'm out on the road.
I think it works virtually automatically on major routes from the road organisations, those little things on motorway bridges etc., and then telephone reports from the public to the radio stations etc. whenever the SatNav says there is traffic congestion if TMS is turned on. Page 107 in manual.
Well almost back in Blighty. Now camped just south of Calais and the Euroshuttle Terminal. Crossing tomorrow morning, latish.
Don't want any stowaways, although I did see some people sitting in the bushes at the side of the motorway, near the Aires, picnic spots, where the HGVs park up. Also Police cars in the Aires as well. Severe traffic congestion around Calais, don't know if there were any ferry problems.
It just seemed to be endless road works and speed restrictions. Sally, the SatNav altered the route a few times but I kept moving all the time.
Now pitched up. So I have gone from this.

To this.

Nice campsite with enclosed swimming pool and solarium, AND with its own Micro Brewery open at 6. So off to sample its wares shortly.
Well this campsite has some nice amenities.image.jpgimage.jpg
And especially this.

From their own brewery. Can't see round it, only taste the outcome.
Looks nice, which site are you at? (Strong winds and an earlier car crash in Dover have caused delays to todays ferries.)
Wow. I've suddenly gone all thirsty o_O
It was very nice actually, and they do very nice food as well.
Well, almost at the end of my adventure. Checking the Nordkapp webcam each night and it would seem I struck lucky being there when I was.
My last night on the Continent was memorable, wild winds and heavy rain but I managed to get the roof down in a lull and now all that remains is to pack up and head for the Euroshuttle terminal, 45 minutes away. Hopefully they'll offer me an earlier crossing then it's the M20, M25 and the M4. The Severn Crossing won't seem so spectacular after some of the bridges I've encountered on my travels. Out to dinner tonight with SWMBO and sister-in-law and husband.
End of trip report will follow in due course.
Hope you enjoyed the trip and it has inspired you. So get planning. Bye for now.
Wow , that last campsite looked nice!
We ar on the ferry Denmark-Norway as i type this:bananadance
I'm trying to write a kind of blog but don't know when i will and go online in Norway.
Now Home. Nice meal out with friends. Exhausted, but what a trip.
Well done on the trip and for keeping us posted all the way :thumb
Well, getting back to the routine. Spent all day on the garden.

Anyway I said I would do a report for anyone who is interested.

1. Holiday Hilton at Folkestone very convenient for the Euroshuttle, on site restaurant and breakfast or packed continental breakfast included. 5 minutes from Euroshuttle checking.

2. I didn't book any campsites, at this time of year, and all I used had plenty of places. I used ACSI registered sites as they have a minimum standard. All were good and some positively luxurious amenities. Cheaper ones tended to have coin operated showers, but often these were free in low season ( you were given the coin on checking in ).
Internet was present on ALL the sites and free on all but one site. That site charged 1€ for 50mb or 500mb for 5€, but this site had very good amenities and only charged 14€/night, so can't complain. Most sites had reasonable coverage with only one having coverage restricted to 50' of reception. With my iBoost I had no problems using it from the California. Free internet also available at Nordkapp, for 6 hour periods, but you could just re- register, continuously.
The last 3 sites in Denmark, Germany and France all had restaurants as well.
There are many campsites in the Scandinavian countries, the locals like their camping, for all budgets, including many free camping spots in Sweden. But check up on the legal position in each country before you go.

3. Fuel was not a problem, but some stations are unmanned and only take cards. All the common ones, Visa, Delta, Ames and Diner accepted. Just make sure your card is registered for the countries you are passing through. I tended to top up each day before stopping and normally within 30 miles of the campsite.

4. Shopping not a problem until you got to Northern Sweden, Finland and Norway as there are very few large towns. The shops are there but you may have to deviate from your route. Manned garages often sell some basics that far North.

5. As I drove, I did travel on 1 toll road in France, but I have a Sanif tag. The rest of the route was Toll free except for 1 bridge in Denmark and The Bridge from Copenhagen to Malmo. You pay both ways and in Denmark in Danish currency,€ or by card. On The Bridge it is the same + Swedish kroner, the tolls are expensive but they are extremely impressive structures.

6. Mobile phone coverage was impressive, even in the Far North I was never without a signal.

7. There are some major roadworks on the Autobahns in Germany, A7, A4 and A1. The A7 is particularly affected north of Hamburg.

8. N Sweden upwards, the roads are fantastic but beware the HGVs, they stick to the speed limits but they are very large/long. Overtaking requires care in a RHD vehicle and is worse on very long straight stretches, 10km or so, as you have to pull out so far. With bends in the road it is a lot easier as you can see the following straight as you go round the bend. HGV drivers help, indicating R turn as clear and L turn as oncoming traffic

9. When you see signs for Elk, beware they are very large. Signs for Reindeer , beware. If you see them on one side of the road they can dash across as you approach so go slow.

10. From mid Sweden northwards the roads have very wide and deep ditches each side, used to deposit the snow off the road during winter which means it is impossible to stop except in the numerous lay-bys or the larger picnic areas which often have toilets. Some lay-bys are longer than others and tend to be used by HGV's.

To be continued.

11. Most Motorway Services charge for Toilets normally 0.5 Euro but sometime 0.7 Euro. The Picnic areas in Germany/Denmark/Sweden don't always have Toilets.

12. At Nordkapp the entry ticket lasts for 24 hours. An extra day's stay can be purchased from the Hotel Reception for 100Swedish Kroner.

13. The Nordkapp Centre is open 24/7 but the 2 x Coffee bars, restaurant, shop, and visitor attractions are only open from 1100hrs to 0100hrs. Access to the Toilets is 24/7.
There are NO camping facilities i.e.: Water taps, Electricity, Waste water or Chemical Toilet emptying areas

14. At this time of year Mid May to June there were absolutely NO midges, flies or mosquitos to be seen.
I experienced intense sunshine, clouds, drizzly rain/mist, heavy downpours and a significant Snow storm/blizzard. It was often windy especially at Nordkapp. Warmish by day but cold, down to 2 or 3C at night.

15. Would I do it again - YES YES YES YES. In fact SWMBO has said she might come next time but more leisurely.

Total Milage from South Wales, vis Euroshuttle, to Nordkapp and return = 5258 miles

Total Fuel used 777.13 Litres = 170.95 Gallons

Miles per Gallon = 30.76 ( probably nearer 31.5 mpg as I cannot take account of the fuel used for the Diesel Heater on 17 nights. I WAS NOT driving economically.

California MFD showed 32 MPG and this does take account of fuel used in Diesel Heater.

So thats all folks. Hope you enjoyed the trip and maybe it has got you thinking about a special trip you want to take sometime.
Been great reading your last added posts , was online but not read everything here , now i'm also back home been updating/ reading the new posts....

We done a diffrent thing then you did , and i also got some rough days sometimes exausted at arrival .
But would do it again ....
...and probaly will ever starting like you did , strait to Nordkapp and then come down south ....

Tkx for all the given info :thumb
Thank you too, hotel california. I definitely intend visiting Norway following your posts.
Halfway down Sweden, on my return, I saw a sign for Bodo, Norway, so a trip up Sweden to Bodo and then back down through Norway is a distinct possibility.
As they say " Keep Trucking".
ps. I had to fight the grass when I got back as well.
Thank you too, hotel california. I definitely intend visiting Norway following your posts.
Halfway down Sweden, on my return, I saw a sign for Bodo, Norway, so a trip up Sweden to Bodo and then back down through Norway is a distinct possibility.
As they say " Keep Trucking".
ps. I had to fight the grass when I got back as well.
Hi WelshGas, Just read all your blog, brilliant. I'm planning to go next year and mix it up with some fishing.
Hi WelshGas, Just read all your blog, brilliant. I'm planning to go next year and mix it up with some fishing.
Fishing is, I think, allowed from 1st June. Under 16 yrs old don't require a licence until mid-June, to encourage them to try river fishing.
Did you find the 4motion handy on your trip? Its been driving me crazy wondering whether to add the 4M to my ordor or not. I think its May for the lakes and river the fishing opening. I need to check.
Did you find the 4motion handy on your trip? Its been driving me crazy wondering whether to add the 4M to my ordor or not. I think its May for the lakes and river the fishing opening. I need to check.
I personally feel that the 4 wheel drive gives a much more planted feel. It is a heavy vehicle. It is not a full on off-reader like my Defender but it's the next best. On my way north I was covering 300-400 miles a day and it was solid. Wet, grassy campsites were no problem. It is an expensive option but the one at the top of my list.
Just wanted to say how much my wife & I enjoyed your write up of your trip earlier this year. I missed it the first time round as I wasn't on the forum then, but have passed a very happy hour or so this morning reading it from start to finish. I don't think we will be as adventurous so early on, we collect our Cali from South Herford tomorrow morning.
The photos and write-ups were superb and with all of the viewings of you by others on web cams it brought the whole trip to life, even 5 months later. Hope to bump into you at one of the meets before too long. Simon
Well, just 12 days until I depart on my trip to Nordkapp - 5,000 mile return trip according to Garmin Basecamp.
South Wales - Folkeston - Euroshuttle - Calais - Belgium - Germany - Denmark - The Bridge - Sweden - Finland - Norway - Nordkapp and then a leisurely return via the Euroshuttle. 19 days in total.

Check list completed.
1 Passport
2 E111 sorted
3 Car Insurance informed
4 Travel Insurance sorted
5 Bank Cards registered for Western Europe & Scandinavia
6 Currency ordered , didn't realise that Denmark/Sweden/Norway are not part of the Eurozone - sensible people. ( The Bridge toll can be paid by card/Danish or Swedish currency or Euros but not sure if the California is classed as a car, as it is less than 6m, or Motorhome - We'll see )
7 Basic food stuffs sorted ( Have 1 Expedition Meal/day sorted so I don't have to spend time shopping unnecessarily .)
8 Sound system loaded up
9 Satnav loaded with Campsite data from ACSI and Archies website, as I have not booked anywhere - intend to do about 300 miles/day then look for a campsite either ACSI registered or via Archies.

Just need to Wash and check over The Van and load up.

What is Archies?
What are expedition meals?

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