A word of advise from a fellow business owner - your products are your business, your service is your business.
You need to be right there at the factory, checking orders as they go out, personally ensuring customers have the right product and to the quality expected.
I have a set and the quality is good BUT there were a load of hassles getting the order right - it took over two weeks.
Some customers are happy, others have been hacked off. You need to take full control, iron out any issues then if that works, put some robust systems in place including a QC manager to ensure every customer is happy.
I can count at least five irritated customers here - just get those systems sorted and you'll be laughing. The product (if/when it arrives) will sell itself if the service reflects the mats.
Sorry if this sounds heavy handed but I feel this is a critical time and simply "remote selling" removes the control you should have.