I thought I would start a new thread to talk about travel planning. I have only ever been into Europe on a motorbike and that was via Ferry. I plan to go via the tunnel this time around but really have no idea what its like to drive the route and how long to factor in. Ideally I want as much time in Denmark as possible
I speak a little very bad French I've not used since school (enough to buy fuel, ask directions and order food), zero German or anything else. Language is always the thing I worry most about, hate not being able to use the local tongue but Ill have to deal with that.
- I understand the beach is best booked without the number plate as a car other over 1.85m otherwise the cost is higher.. Is there a better route via ferry into say Amsterdam? We will have dogs with us.
- I would like to go visit @Auberg-ine to film the worlds most organised Cali for Campervan Cookout if he is up for it

- How many days is realistic to get from Calais to Denmark? We certainly dont want to do it in one go (all 860+ miles). Any countries to avoid?
- Once in Denmark I can take a leisurely drive upto Rømø.
What route would you take?
Google Map Route