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Gentlemen, the lorry speed limit increased to 60 mph in 2015 in England and Wales, please keep up.I have to stick my oar in here as an ex. trucker.
Trucks are limited to 56 by law and the nature of the haulage business is delivery slots and deadlines. This means they are pedal to the metal all day. Watch container lorries pull out and then indicate! They are trying to make a living.
Coming across a vehicle doing 50 (44!!) is a right pain, It means having to get past it, at 56, which will pee off the following cars esp. on a dual carriageway. More often than not the offending mobile road blocker will accelerate as to thwart the overtake only to slow again when the lorry has retreated. A game played out over and over.
Don't get me going on the ***** who join motorways and head for and stay in the middle lane at 50...............
Bugger the fuel economy. If you want to cruise and look over the hedges then go on A roads or, and please, pretty please, tuck in with the lorries and go at 56...................
Now, when the certain distribution chain I drove for with a transport manager hoping to stay on the slippery pole had all the fleet restricted to 52 we became mobile road blocks ourselves.
We were constantly being overtaken by other trucks and the best response was to go at 50 and slow down a bit when being passed by the 'bigger boys'.
I am surprised it was even legal to restrict them like that.
Bring on google drive I say and all be driven at optimum speed for conditions in a road 'train''
Now in my Cali I can put all that (and you) behind me.........Still scarred though!!
Trains? Whatever happened to them??