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Average mpg

Why people keep quoting Memory 1 mpg figures I just don't understand. Unless you are comparing the same journey each time then they are completely meaningless
Why people keep quoting Memory 1 mpg figures I just don't understand. Unless you are comparing the same journey each time then they are completely meaningless
There are two memory 1 figures, instantaneous and trip. One is a joke the other is interesting.
My long term memory 2 is currently 45 mpg, 215 tyres and lots of smart motorway and continental road works. Surprisingly cheap motoring for fully loaded Ocean. Filling up tomorrow in Luxembourg + €1.11ltr onroute to Croatia.
From the filling station in pas de la casa in Andorra and down towards Spain you can achieve higher figures than this. Going up into Andorra from the French side and it’s about 18 mpg. Swings and roundabouts.......At the moment in the middle of France we have 38.4 mpg average. Year on year this figure stays about the same....
My overall consumtion is 7,69 liter/100km.
I have not recorded from the beginning, but only from about 80 000 km, now up to 141000.
Best was 6,59 liter/100km
Worst: 9,72.

Factory states about 7,7 liter/100 km, so yes, factory numbers are achievable.
I just don't drive 130km/h on journeys in France. That might help.
Managed to see this one time:
Refueled 400 km ago, coming at roadworks with a speed limit of 70 km/h. After 5 minutes of driving 70 km/h, the computer told me I could go on for another 1100 km like this. Not bad for an old diesel engine?
Trip to Arnhem and return this week, Average (motorway) speed Bet. 60- 70 mph, overall MFD mpg average 42.4 for the journey - quite pleased.
Now at Lake Caspe after seeing the Spanish Moto GP. Now averaging 37mpg. Can’t be any more gentle on the accelerator so I think that’s about it. How anybody gets Figures into the 40s is definitely not going to happen to us. It’s stayed like this for the past 4 years, considering the weight we are quite happy.
Now at Lake Caspe after seeing the Spanish Moto GP. Now averaging 37mpg. Can’t be any more gentle on the accelerator so I think that’s about it. How anybody gets Figures into the 40s is definitely not going to happen to us. It’s stayed like this for the past 4 years, considering the weight we are quite happy.
Tyres and tyre pressure seem to make a huge difference to average MPG.
Now at Lake Caspe after seeing the Spanish Moto GP. Now averaging 37mpg. Can’t be any more gentle on the accelerator so I think that’s about it. How anybody gets Figures into the 40s is definitely not going to happen to us. It’s stayed like this for the past 4 years, considering the weight we are quite happy.
I bet there was a grate vibe at the Moto GP :Stig
I switched from 16” 215 to 17” 235 and lost about 10% mpg. Garage deflates to ~42psi. I reinflate to 45psi once I’ve noticed as we usually drive laden.
And I went from the standard 215 16 inch tyres and it hasn’t made any difference. I inflate to what the manufacturer states.
And I went from the standard 215 16 inch tyres and it hasn’t made any difference. I inflate to what the manufacturer states.
It's interesting that you have noticed a fuel consumption drop while I have. I too inflate to the correct pressure - but two pressures are quoted, one for light loads and one for heavy loads. As we usually travel with a full load I inflate to the higher pressure.

16" tyres: 14 June 2018 to 13 December 2018 - 34.75 mpg; 8968 miles
17" tyres: 14 December 2018 to 13 June 2019 - 30.71 mpg; 6324 miles

The fuel consumption figures are not taken from the MFD, but from dividing miles by refuels with measurements taken at all refuels between the dates given.
I don't understand this obsession with mpg. When you buy a 70K vehicle, add 2 or 3K worth of sidebars, bike racks, pillar stickers and what-have-you, and then drive barely 10K miles per year with it, what difference does a few more or less mpg make to you holiday budget? I've just made a 4000 km roundtrip to Portugal and I don't remember how often I've filled up - 4 times, 5 times? I really don't care - I had fun!
I don't understand this obsession with mpg. When you buy a 70K vehicle, add 2 or 3K worth of sidebars, bike racks, pillar stickers and what-have-you, and then drive barely 10K miles per year with it, what difference does a few more or less mpg make to you holiday budget? I've just made a 4000 km roundtrip to Portugal and I don't remember how often I've filled up - 4 times, 5 times? I really don't care - I had fun!
Because I’m a really boring person who loves numbers and statistics. Little gives me greater pleasure than sitting down with a differential equation and attempting to solve it.

My favourite equation is e^(pi*i) + 1 = 0. It has a certain beauty, don’t you think!?

So in answer to your point, it is not about saving a few £££s, it is about a fascination.
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How was Arnhem? Did you watch the drop?
Hi Sandyvan, Yes over a number of days including the main Ginkel Heide DZ on Saturday 21st about 1500 Allied paratroopers dropped, well worth the visit, our first full week in the Arnhem /Oosterbeek area, we stayed at Camping De Boersberg (Quiet, Recommended - nice people) a busy Dairy farm at Doorwerth, just parked the Cali and cycled everywhere from then on. The Dutch everywhere are so wonderfully welcoming. We're going again next year as we missed attending the main CWGC commemoration at Oosterbeek as we regrettably had to travel back on Sunday 22.
Best regards,
Because I’m a really boring person who loves numbers and statistics. Little gives me greater pleasure than sitting down with a differential equation and attempting to solve it.

My favourite equation is e^(pi*i) + 1 = 0. It has a certain beauty, don’t you think!?
Mine is SinBg, Cos Bg, Tan (Angle of Sight)
Distance in Metres
Making sure that you give the correct Target Grid Ref.
Hi Sandyvan, Yes over a number of days including the main Ginkel Heide DZ on Saturday 21st about 1500 Allied paratroopers dropped, well worth the visit, our first full week in the Arnhem /Oosterbeek area, we stayed at Camping De Boersberg (Quiet, Recommended - nice people) a busy Dairy farm at Doorwerth, just parked the Cali and cycled everywhere from then on. The Dutch everywhere are so wonderfully welcoming. We're going again next year as we missed attending the main CWGC commemoration at Oosterbeek as we regrettably had to travel back on Sunday 22.
Best regards,
Did you drink in the Schoonoord pub on the crossroads? The last time I was there was for the 60th 2004 and had the privilege to talk to many Vets. We stayed at the Bilderburg in bivvies', tabbed to the pub a few times also took the salute from the Colonel-in-Chief as we marched across the bridge as part of the reopening ceremony.

Was there for ten days and earned a shirt.
Airborne shirt.JPG
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I don't understand this obsession with mpg. When you buy a 70K vehicle, add 2 or 3K worth of sidebars, bike racks, pillar stickers and what-have-you, and then drive barely 10K miles per year with it, what difference does a few more or less mpg make to you holiday budget? I've just made a 4000 km roundtrip to Portugal and I don't remember how often I've filled up - 4 times, 5 times? I really don't care - I had fun!
Just because we run (in my case ran) “70k” vehicles, it doesn’t mean we are all loaded. I’ve slightly better than broken even on 10 years of owning Cali’s, so have zero depreciation costs. The difference between 25mpg and 38mpg, and shopping around for the best value insurance both make a significant contribution to the cost of Cali ownership - and makes Cali ownership affordable to someone like me who is asset ‘comfortable’ but income poor.
Did you drink in the Schoonoord pub on the crossroads? The last time I was there was for the 60th 2004 and had the privilege to talk to many Vets. We stayed at the Bilderburg in bivvies', tabbed to the pub a few times also took the salute from the Colonel-in-Chief as we marched across the bridge as part of the reopening ceremony.

Was there for ten days and earned a shirt.
View attachment 50784
Didn't drink in the Schoonoord, We (7th RHA) met at the Unibar, Wallstraat Arnhem our adopted 'Home' on Friday evening + 1700 - Some seemed to have got there.... "much, much earlier" though. So sorry to see that Anno Domini has now caught up with many of the Veterans, the few that made it seemed to be in good form and given their years, in goodish health. Glad to see our Polish colleagues there too, and in such numbers. We visited their exhibition and parade in Driel in the week, I was impressed, but appalled to learn of their treatment by the British hierarchy after the battle.
Didn't drink in the Schoonoord, We (7th RHA) met at the Unibar, Wallstraat Arnhem our adopted 'Home' on Friday evening *+ 1700 - Some seemed to have got there.... "much, much earlier" though. So sorry to see that Anno Domini has now caught up with many of the Veterans, the few that made it seemed to be in good form and given their years, in goodish health. Glad to see our Polish colleagues there too, and in such numbers. We visited their exhibition and parade in Driel in the week, I was impressed, but appalled to learn of their treatment by the British hierarchy after the battle.
I wanted to go back this year but things got in the way TBH, now I'm old and getting unfit by the day flying a desk, going in the Cali would have been luxury. I'm glad there's still Vets still returning, smaller numbers each year but we must not forget them.
I wanted to go back this year but things got in the way TBH, now I'm old and getting unfit by the day flying a desk, going in the Cali would have been luxury. I'm glad there's still Vets still returning, smaller numbers each year but we must not forget them.
We are already planning to return next year, for the Dutch people, it will be the 75th Anniversary of their liberation, there are BIG plans focussed around that.
Best regards,
I don't understand this obsession with mpg. When you buy a 70K vehicle, add 2 or 3K worth of sidebars, bike racks, pillar stickers and what-have-you, and then drive barely 10K miles per year with it, what difference does a few more or less mpg make to you holiday budget? I've just made a 4000 km roundtrip to Portugal and I don't remember how often I've filled up - 4 times, 5 times? I really don't care - I had fun!
I don’t think you quite got what we were saying. Different tyres for some people make a difference to their fuel consumption. If some people want to check their fuel consumption then sure it’s for them to do. Not everyone buys their fuel at £1.60 per litre on motorway service stations but you are quite free to do so if you want. I always look for the cheapest price to fill up and plan my journey. A ten pound note burns just a quickly as a fifty.

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